Trees Collection

Trees Collection

Why Choose Giclee Fine Art Prints
The images selected for my Fine Art Gallery are designed to be hung on walls as treasured statement pieces. Giclees are printed using pigment-based inks rather than dye-based inks and using the finest Hahnemühle photo rag paper.

Hahnemühle photo rag paper guarantees 100% archival standards. With its premium matt inkjet coating Photo Rag meets the highest industry standards regarding density, colour gamut, colour graduation and image sharpness while preserving the special touch and feel of genuine art paper resulting in the best contrast and finest nuances for impressive pictorial depth.

All giclee prints are posted direct to customers in sturdy postal tubes.

  • Giclee Print Prices (inclusive of p & p)

    30” x 30” £160.00 (square)

    20” x 20” £82.00 (square)

    10” x 10” £36.00 (square)

    30” x 20” £113.00 (long rectangle)

    20” x 16” £70.00 (rectangle)

    16” x 10” £45.00 (stretched rectangle)

    15” x 10” £43.00 (long rectangle)

    10” x 8” £32.50 (rectangle)

    8” x 5” £28.00 (stretched rectangle)

    7.5” x 5” £26.00 (long rectangle)

  • Giclee Print Size Options

    Picture choice will determine the shape of the picture

    Rectangle Medium 20” x 16”

    Rectangle Small 10” x 8”

    Long Rectangle Large 30” x 20”

    Long Rectangle Medium 15” x 10”

    Long Rectangle Small 7.5” x 5”

    Stretched Rectangle Medium 16” x 10”

    Stretched Rectangle Small 8” x 5”

    Square Large 30” x 30”

    Square Medium 20” x 20”

    Square small 10” x 10”

Order prints here

Order from me Today!

If you enjoy my work, and would like to include one of the images within your home, click on the contact form to place an order or discuss a commission.

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